Friday, October 21, 2011

Basic Cube Character Jumping, ending with an emotion.

For Animation Principles we were given an exercise of drawing a simple cube character jumping from A to B, with a emotion after landing. We had to demonstrate anticipation in lead up to the jump, squash and stretch and overlap on the landing.

If I were to do it again I would extend the beginning and the end by repeating the first and last frames a few more times.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Storyboard Workshop Exercise

We had to choose 1 of 3 exercises, I went for the first, which was:
Two objects, travelling at different speeds, are on a collision course.

I chose a cat who was unwittingly running towards one of my previous characters, Mahatma The Hat Bandit, which collects hats and also cats. He is travelling slower as he only has 1 leg to hop along on.

Collaboration Joint Animation

The assignment was to create an 5-10 second animation starting with the last frame of the person in front of me and passing on my last frame to the next person of the list. Each person on this list was given a topic to include in the animation, mine was a cathedral. The principle behind this was basically to improve inter-personal skills between class members.
Unfortunately I hit a few problems, and missed the deadline. :( Means I got loads to learn!
This is in 12fps, as its a bit easier to see whats going on.

Bouncing Ball Animation

Even though I was not present at the lecture when this assignment was given, I used the information I did receive to create this.
What I did know was that we had to demonstrate squash and stretch on a bouncing ball and that it had to be either 12/24/25 frames per second. This had to be looped 8 times.
I hope it filled the criteria of the assignment. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

1st blog! Circle animation re-doo

I re did my circle animation. Filmed through green acetate to achieve the colour i wanted. I also managed to get the timing abit better than than the previous version. Not sure why the colour distorts though, Youtube?