Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Long needed update

A few things I need to post.
Firstly, I went to Bradford Animation Festival 2 weeks ago. Lots of inspiration despite the bleak surroundings. To mention a few The Backwater Gospel
The Monster of Nix
The Morning Stroll and Out of Erasers (sorry no links).
There were a few good seminars also, but I cant remember their names so I will post them later.

Secondly a few bits of work.

Squishy- A ball rig was given to us to animate in a location of our own creation. Unfortunately I struggled to get textures to work properly, the end of the animation was cut off and I think the location lacked imagination. Oh well, I'll do better next time.

Burt Walk Cycle- Once again we were givern a rig of a simple robot type character, which we then had to do a walk cycle for. The rig also had simple facial controls which we also had to use. I was quite happy with the outcome as I was not present for the associated lecture. Dam money problems!

Flash Lip-Sync Exercise - Once again this was a exercise that was set on the day which I was not present.
So I was quite pleased with what I managed to churn out. The exercise was to create a animation using Flash that synced up with audio from the 11 Second Club competion for this month. I think I might try and do more work on this one to try include some character movement and maybe some camera moves also.