Saturday, February 18, 2012

End of Term Showreel!

Here is a collection of everything I have done this term compiled into one. Enjoy!

Ranger Rick's Adventures: Finished Storyboard and Animatic

Ok heres the final animatic and storyboard. Overall I was quite happy with the result. Even though I should of put in more frames for the animatic to greater sugest movement and whats going on generally. As you see I'm not a brilliant drawer but there is obvious inprovement as it goes along. Maybe next time I might simplify the drawings and include shading.

11 Second Club Animation

This was a animation we had to make for a competition from the 11 second club website, hence the name. The brief was vague so I had quite a lot of freedom when it it came to the scencery but we had to use; the morpheus rig for the character, and the provided audio file so it had incorporate lip-syncing.
Generally I was trying to put across a schizophrenic nature to the character by having two sides to the Futuristic Space Cell (representation of his mind) and how he percieved him self as two seperate people. At the end he expereiences self realisation that its actually him.
I was disapointed that I had made a water based barrier (the black area) seperating the two sides of the room, which was transparent enough to see through to the other side, unfortunately hadn't come out in the batch render even though it was visible in the renderport. Also for some reason looking through the window the characters hair didn't show up, annoying really. I'm going to try to fix these errors then upload the finished product once done.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Another update!

Heres a few animations from last year which I forgot to upload.

  • Cubie and object: Had to animate a basic character named Cubie (also starred in Jumping Cube Character) involving a random object, Cubie then had to react to it in some way. I chose the object to be another cubie character parachuting in with Cubie being excited that it was a successful landing. The point was to animate differently weighted objects.

  •  The next was the classic Bouncing Ball animation but this was done using Maya software.
We had to animate two differently weighted balls, one heavy and one light.

Storyboard update

Here's my storyboard, before finishing up on neatening up the presentation. Which will include digitalising the frames and script, and also fine tuning adjustments to the actual frames. Next stage will be adding a few extra frames where needed to convey the action, then the animatic will be complete. Actually looking forward to how this piece will look when complete with theme tune and badly acted voices to accompany it.

More to come!

2nd Update.

This next animation was meant to be added before Christmas. The task was to key out the main poses with the audio from the 11 Second Club competition from December. The end result is very rough but does suggest what i wanted to animate. Would of been nice to get a full render of the scene and to of put more time into the character movement. Anyway here it is....

More to come.....

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Late December Post!

Another late post! I'll have to get on top of this. This is one of a few much needed updates to what i have been doing. 
This is a animated Christmas card I made over the festive season. I used Flash to create it, as it was the quickest way to make this simple idea. I have to say I wasn't that happy with the idea in the first place, but I did anyway. I also made the music.

Several more posts to come, as its very close to the end of the semester. Loads of deadlines!