Saturday, October 13, 2012

The BESP: Character Development

As a part of my sketchbook referral I chose to work on one of my characters the BESP. This is a unfinished concept sketch. I have to come back when I have time to complete the pelcvic wings and the rest of the spine.

 Using the reference material I made a mock up collage of the complete character and its Pelvic wings basic motion. Excuse the penis, I've decided to remove it and to double up the sacrum as one. Which will be Horrible!

After this I realised I should be focusing on post production so I decided to start modelling this freaky thing.
Lumbar Vertibrae

Thoracic Vertibrae

Cervical Vertibrae

The Sacrum/Penis

Pelvis/Pelvic Wings
BESP so far.
I wanted to achieve near anatmomical perfection, this very far from that. Very good modelling pratice though. Next will be tweeking the spine so all the vertibrae sit better with each other, which will include making soft discs to fit inbetween each one. Customizing the spine so it has a spined back. Eyes and Brain(not looking forward to this). Then the rigging which is why I wanted to start modelling. I really want to rig the brain so I can get emotion from throbbing cortexes and squishing.
Still work in progress.

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