Monday, May 28, 2012

3D Enviroment Creation Project

Here is the final piece for creating a 3d environment using camera projection techniques. Included is the original photo, "Matte painting" and a wire frame version.
 The end result wasn't as good as I hoped, I think this was mainly to do with the matte painting I created was very shabby. Also when it came down to the final render I had animated a physical sun and sky which moved from over head to behind the engine house as the camera moved, which didn't come out in the final render even though I tried a few solutions. It wasn't having any of it!
To improve this further I would  actually model the foreground and trees to rid the 2d effect and redo the matte painting.
In hind sight I would of changed the scene to having the mine in a fish tank, which was my original idea that I completely forgot about until afterwards. I might redo this over the summer.
Also the final production was really jerky, maybe this was something to do with me messing up the assembling in Premiere. This is quite likely. 

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