Monday, May 28, 2012

3D Modelling Pratice.

Over the first few months of the term I had put a fair bit of time into practicing my 3D modelling skills. One of these exercises was through Uni which was to model my own face using reference.
As you can see it didn't really flatter my features! I think I over complicated it by adding too many extra polygons, especially around the brow and nose bridge. Maybe it would actually look a bit more like me if I modelled the other side of the my face separately, as my face is far from symmetrical.

The next couple of exercises I did, I did under my own steam.
The first was modelling a skull, which came out a lot better than my face.
I then preceded to try and light it and I was going to make it rain green skulls for a screen saver type thing but subsequently I ran out of time
I did want to smooth out the very ridge like cheek bones and the pointy chin.

The last model I created was of a goldfish, i was trying to get pratice for a few charcters that I have been developing (The Gypsy Fish)  which won't be realistic type goldfish but pratice all the same.

 I'll probably come back to this, to finish putting a mouth, eye and the other half. Probably wouldn't be able to rigg this though. We shall see.

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