Monday, May 28, 2012

Cornish Stories

This was a ongoing group project from the beginning of this term where we had to produce a 45 second animation based on one of three stained glass windows to accompany a sound file which links directly to Cornish heritage. The choice was either fishing, mining or St Piran, each one had a small selection of Cornish people telling relevant stories. We chose the fishing window and the fish and the screwdriver story to accompany it, as it had the most potential to be humorous.
The animation style that we planned was a Monty Python esque  cut-out animation using a similar style to the window.
Here is the end result...

My part in this production; was to asses the audio then produce a script, clean up the audio and do the sound effects after production, make one of the assets for animation (the screwdriver) and also to animate one scene.

This was a generally very last minute animation, as we were not animating until the very last week before the hand in. This could of been improved drastically if we all pulled our fingers out way before it actually happened. It got completed (almost) though.

I was a bit annoyed that I didn't have more time to get the sound effects perfect and I didn't get a chance to use the audio that I cleaned up to near perfection as my external hard drive kept corrupting files I put on there. Something else I've got to replace.

The original window.


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