Monday, May 28, 2012

Easter Holidays!

I had lots of projects to do over this period and also some paid work. The latter became way more prominent in my schedule and it became clear my time management was lacking.
The projects that I should of been working on were as follows:
  • 3D Environment Creation Project (Which I did go out to get photographs of some old engine houses, which involved a nice long bike ride but unfortunately were unusable. Then I managed to get to Ding Dong Mine at the back of Penzance and actually got all the photos and info I needed.)
  • Experimental Project. (I got an idea involving Kittens and Mittens)
  • Cornish Stories. (I cleaned up the audio a bit more, pretty much the only thing I could do)
  • Motion Studies: Two walks based on my own footage.
I think main reason I didn't get as much work done as I would of liked was the fact that I had no computer (previously mentioned in previous post) and the payed worked took more time than I expected because of my nood credentials.

The payed work was through my friend, Mike Thomas from CB Graphics, for the company Coastal (Kestrel) 's glass balustrade product . Originally I was employed to undertake the modelling of components and the animation, but this changed to just the modelling and rendering as the animation was done in 3D Max which I have no experience of. Here's the final result...

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