Monday, May 28, 2012

Experimental Project

The objective of this project was to produce a minute long animation to go along with a piece of audio which had to be selected from a list. The animation had to be produced with the use of no computers except image capture or post production to enhance the final production.
I chose to use the audio 'Blues flamenc' by Joan Cot Ros as this was the track that appealed to me the most, also the track that gave me my final idea of Kitten Mitten and the Flamenco Fingers.
For the animation method and style I chose to use stop motion and plastercine to create a 2D effect.
The making of the parts that were needed for this production took me a couple of days and the filming also took the same amount of time.

Here is the final piece....

The overall result was quite a disturbing and generally weird animation. Quite art house!

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