Monday, May 28, 2012

Motion Studies: 11 Second Club Performance

This final piece for motion studies was all about the performance, We had to concentrate on solely the body language and expression.
Here is the final piece....

This to me is quite a good attempt for a days works. Not out of bone idleness, but once again I experienced major problems with Maya's character sets and this was my third attempt. The first attempt was almost finished just literally the smoothing out of the animation to do using the graph editor when I needed to stop and sleep. The next day all the animation I had done had gone! MAYA! The second attempt was pretty similar but I thought I had solved the problem, I was wrong. The third attempt was key framing everything my self, and I still managed to get it looking alright. I just wanted to avoid using flash again, until I get a lovely Wacom Tablet. 

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